Image Denoising in Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
Image Denoising, Deep Learning, CNN, PSNR, SSIMAbstract
The utilization of deep learning techniques has garnered significant attention in the domain of image denoising. Each kind of deep learning methods for picture denoising possesses distinct qualities that differentiate them significantly. To be more precise, discriminative learning based on deep comprehension can effectively tackle the issue of Gaussian noise and other types of noise. This is the case because deep learning utilizes a larger and more comprehensive training set. Subsequently, a study conducted by researchers and subsequently published in the journal Science unveiled this potential. Optimization algorithms based on profound comprehension offer several advantages, such as the ability to produce precise assessments of the ambient noise. However, limited research has been conducted in this domain to categorize the many types of deep learning algorithms employed for image denoising. This is an area that needs future improvement. This post seeks to examine different advanced techniques that can be used to effectively remove noise from photos. Initially, we categories the actual noisy photographs based on the blind denoising capabilities of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for both noisy hybrid images and additive white noisy photos. Subsequently, the grainy, hazy, and low-resolution images were merged to produce composite photos with significant noise. Our next step is to examine different methodologies for deep learning, with a specific focus on the underlying ideas and assumptions that drive these methodologies. Subsequently, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the most advanced approaches for reducing noise in data, utilizing publicly accessible datasets. We then proceed to compare these techniques. To summarize, we have examined many obstacles and opportunities for further investigation that may be explored in the near or far future.
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