A Survey on Steganography and Image Encryption Techniques


  • Noor D. Majeed Electrical Engineering Technical College, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ali J. Al-Askery School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK
  • Fadhil Sahib Hasan College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Samir Abood Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA




Security, Encryption image, Steganography, Development and challenges, Evaluation parameters


Modern Internet technologies have led to an increase in the transmission and receiving of information across the network, especially images that may contain confidential information, so it has become necessary to increase protection for these images. The processes of protecting information during the transmission are scientifically divided into encryption and hiding techniques. Encryption techniques change the secret data content to become unclear for professional hackers. On the contrary, steganography saves the same content of secret data but inserts it in the medium cover without clearly showing any change in the medium. These covers, such as text, images, or video, whereas images and video are more efficient than other covers because they have powerful and complex structures to achieve more security. The combination of hybrid encryption and steganography gives more multi-leveled security protection, which is hardly predictable against intruders. This work analyzes the challenges that may face researchers in this field, in addition to discussing the latest technologies proposed. Besides that, the evaluation parameters of these techniques are summarized.


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S-box operation




How to Cite

Majeed, N. D., Al-Askery , A. J., Hasan, F. S., & Abood, S. (2025). A Survey on Steganography and Image Encryption Techniques. Electrical Engineering Technical Journal, 2(1), 11–24. https://doi.org/10.51173/eetj.v2i1.13


