A Comprehensive Analysis of Respiratory Patterns and Physiological Parameters in Asthma, Bronchitis, and Croup


  • Ghaidaa A. Khalid School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6270-6445
  • Mohammed I. Abdulmawjod The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
  • Ali Al-Bayaty Portland State University, Oregon, USA




Asthma, Pediatrics, Elevation Training Mask, Sensors, Pulse Oximeter, Bronchitis, Croup


Asthma is the most common misdiagnosed lung disease, especially for children aged 6 -15 years old. There was limited research done to isolate asthmatic symptoms from other common lung conditions, such as bronchitis and croup, as they often share very similar symptoms. This can cause the symptoms to worsen over time if the child is wrongly diagnosed.  This study isolates asthma symptoms in children from other similar lung diseases and identifies a specific unique breathing pattern that isolates each other's lung disease. Within this study, asthma will be compared with bronchitis and croup.  A series of different breathing types were tested to cover all the situations. A subject with lung disease, like asthma, bronchitis, and croup, may experience normal breathing with a cough, short breath with a cough, or long breath with a cough. It measured the displacement at various anatomical locations, such as the ribs and the abdomen, to find the most optimal and maximum displacement area. The average oxygen saturation (SPO2) and heart rate data were also collected. These parameters were measured against the varied altitudes of 3000 ft,6000ft, 9000ft, 12000ft, 15000ft, and 18000ft to represent the severity of the condition. Overall, the results are only used to predict and distinguish breathing patterns and determine how the average displacement, SPO2, and heart rate are affected as the severity of the condition increases. The raw data shows slightly different patterns for each breathing condition at different altitudes. However, the average taken for each altitude against displacement, SPO2, and heart rate shows a more distinct pattern for each condition.


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The schematic diagram of the proposed measuring system




How to Cite

Ghaidaa A. Khalid, Mohammed I. Abdulmawjod, & Ali Al-Bayaty. (2024). A Comprehensive Analysis of Respiratory Patterns and Physiological Parameters in Asthma, Bronchitis, and Croup. Electrical Engineering Technical Journal, 1(1), 35–49. https://doi.org/10.51173/eetj.v1i1.3


